Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Element 12 - What to Do when the System doesn't work?

What to Do when the System doesn't work?

(1) To re-access the System by referring back to my book “The Winning Investment Strategy of Warrent Buffet & George Soros”, to compare my system with theirs.
(2) To keep reading investment book at least 1 book in every 2 months.
(3) Periodically re-access my system with my new knowledge every now and then.
(4) Think thoroughly about how successful investors' system work and determine the different between my system and their systems.
(5) Open for any input from those people that i think it makes sense in helping me improving my system.
(6) Always be humble and know that i need to keep learning more and more.
(7) Trust & be confident in my system and follow it thoroughly with always feel hungry of business investing knowledge and wisdom of life.

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