Friday, April 13, 2018

Portfolio Value as per April 2018

No of Shares
Market Price
per Share
Total Value
800 Super
20,000 $1.140 $22,800.00
2 AEM 12,000 $6.960 $83,520.00
3 Avi-Tech 100,000 $0.485 $48,500.00
4 Best World 50,000 $1.720 $86,000.00
5 Chasen 400,000 $0.071 $28,400.00
6 Innotek 190,000 $0.440 $83,600.00
7 Sunningdale 60,000 $1.830 $109,800.00
Tat Seng
30,000 $0.800 $24,000.00
9 Cash $5,084.60

TOTAL: $491,704.60

(1) I have divested all my Trek 2000 shares at the price of about $0.24 per share. Taking a loss of about $3,500 excluding the broker fees. Trek 2000 is still a good company which has potential to grow more in future. They are also giving a dividend of 1cts per share with the yield of about 4.3%.
The reasons for my divestment are because i am not very comfortable with their accounting issues which are not closed yet until now and also part of my holding consolidation plan to have about 7-8 counters the most. I will keep Trek 2000 in my watchlist, if the circumtances have changed, i might be interested again in the future.

(2) Added 60,000 shares of Innotek at about $0.42cents per share. Will try to share more on this company in my next post. Up to date, Innotek is my biggest invested capital in terms of dollar values into a single counter.


  1. Impressive portfolio, with so many solid counters inside... May I ask what's your portfolio returns for past few years? And have you only started back in year 2016?

  2. Hi clim,

    I have been investing for about 7 years.

    My capital addition is not regular. But if i tabulate them with capital growth + dividend, my compounded annual return rate is about 20%.

  3. Seems like trek2000 is in very big trouble. Luckily u have cut loss

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